100 Thousand Artists for Change-Bogota, Colombia-Organizers hold their first meeting to plan events!

Manuel Carvajal Guerrero, Andrés Carvajal, Maria Paula Pulgarin, Alegría De Las Nubes, Tzitzi Barrantes, Adriana Medina Martínez organizers-Bogota, Colombia- First planning meeting.

Act NO.1 The group that met did an analysis of the event to occur on September 24, 2011, came to an agreements on how to proceed, and made some decisions including one to organize some external events before the date, to be included as part of the same September 24th initiative. Groups of 2 organizers were created to take charge of the proposed activities.

Mauro Carvajal Guerrero (cel: 3106297873) 
Eliana Flórez Pineda (cel: 3186868804/tel: 2323127)

Andrés Carvajal (tel: 2459694) 
José Ricardo Delgado (cel: 312 5243423)

3.) FILM: Picóscar Rangel (cel: 3108077582)
 Ángela Guerrero (cel: 3003113761) 
Danilo (cel: 3006875655)

4.) DANCE: Alegría De Las Nubes (cel: 3144113534)


 Adriana Medina (cel: 3013608502)
 Tzitzi Barrantes (cel: 3214863561)
 Andrea Aguia (cel: 3162668706)

These activities will occur in different locations according to the organizers, respectively they will inform on any event and new meetings will be organized to discuss the development in each group. Remember that our theme is peace, justice and the environment, these three things reaffirm our life as it is. Contributions that can be made by members of this group are important and valuable. Let’s remember that this event is one of solidarity, also let’s remember that the 24th of September there will be a massive pacifist demonstration at some location TBA soon. This demonstration will occur with all the previously mentioned groups, and with artists of other groups, that want to participate. On this date, there will also be a blood drive, so those who are willing and able can donate, remembering that giving blood also generates life. -Eliana Flòrez Pineda.

(translated from Spanish by Terri Conde Carrion)


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