Oakland Public Library- PEN Oakland-Oakland, California

Oakland Public Library sponsored by PEN Oakland.

ORGANIZER: Adam Francis Cornford

CONTACT: adamfcornford@yahoo.com

LOCATION: Oakland Public Library, 125 14th Street, Oakland, CA 94612

TIME: 1:30-4:30 pm

Featured readers:

Chana Bloch
Floyd Salas
Juba Kalamka
John Curl
Tony Rodriguez
Julianna Spahr
Adam Cornford

This event sponsored by Oakland PEN, a chapter of PEN USA

Bowery Poetry Club-New York City

At present there are 6 events being organized in New York City, details for all 4 events will be posted soon.

ORGANIZER: Valery Oisteanu

CONTACT: zendadanyc@earthlink.net

Jazzoetry for the Power of Imagination & Poetry afflicted by Jazz,

Time: 1.30pm – 3.30pm

Michael Rothenberg the editor of the “Big Bridge” magazine, created an extraordinary global event “100 Thousand Poets for Change” poetical planetary recite-tathon 24 September 2011.

Jazzoetry for Imagination” an event of poetry infflected by jazz and music organized and MC-ed by Valery Oisteanu.

“Jazzoetry for Imagination” is part of this important global event with the local poets bringing their voices and talent

Judith Malina
Tom Walker
Steve Dalachinsky
Jeffrey Cyphers Wright
Shelley Miller
Max Blagg
Allan Graubard
Kat Georges,
Peter Carlaftes
Wanda Phipps
Ron Kolm
Yuko Otomo
Tom Savage,
Nancy Mercado
Lee Klein,
Ruth Friedman
David St.Lascaux
Barbara Rosenthal
Carlo Altomare-piano


First installment of  “Jazoetry for Imagination” The Flowery-BOWERY 100TPC Sept 24 2011, at Bowery Poetry Club, pdf  with poems by David St.Lascaux :




PS. here are two more poets from my: “Jazzoetry for Imagination” at BPC, 24 sept

1.Max Blagg was born in England and has lived in New York City since 1971. He is the author of four collections of poetry, and several other books. His most recent publication The Little Dress Book [Shallow Books, NYC 2010] was listed in About Poetry’s Top 20 small press publications of 2010. He has collaborated with various artists, including Alex Katz, Jack Pierson, Richard Prince and Keith Sonnier. With Glenn O’Brien Blagg co-edited the legendary art/lit/tit magazine, Bald Ego. He is a contributing editor to Oyster, BG and  10 Magazine, a Visiting Professor at the New School and a member of the faculty at the School of Visual Arts. A book of stories, Ticket Out, and new collection of poems, Slow Dazzle, are forthcoming.

Max Blagg poems for 100K Poets PDF

2.Tom Walker,(bomb the Beach) a 40 year veteran of The Living Theatre, is a poet, actor, painter, archivist, writer. He lives in New York’s East Village.



ADDITIONAL BOWERY ARCHIVES: https://www.100tpcmedia.org/index.html 






Baltimore, Maryland

ORGANIZER: Virginia Crawford

CONTACT: crawford.virginia@gmail.com

ORGANIZER: Laura Shovan

CONTACT: editor@littlepatuxentreview.org


Baltimore Book Festival

Living Poetry “Flash” Mob

DATE: September 24, 2011
LOCATION: City Lit Stage

Be part of the 100,000 Poets for Change worldwide event! Poets Virginia Crawford and Laura Shovan are hosting a spontaneous poetry composition that you’ll want to try on for size. Attendees wearing Living Poetry Flash tee-shirts will “be arranged” into written on-the-spot, living poems. Tee-shirts can be made at home (instructions at www.authoramok.com) or picked up Friday and Saturday at the CityLit Stage. No tee-shirt? No problem. Flash your poetry prowess by composing a living poem on the spot. Poems will be photographed and posted at the 100,000 Poets for Change website: www.bigbridge.org/100thousandpoetsforchange.

ADDITIONAL BALTIMORE ARCHIVES:  https://www.100tpcmedia.org/index.html

Albuquerque, New Mexico


ORGANIZER: Zachary Kluckman

CONTACT: zgkluckman@msn.com

Albuquerque Blog for 100 TPC


Game Changer Demonstration & Candlelight Reading


EVENTS Planned for Sept.24th!

Slam for Change! Wednesday, September 21
7 pm to 10 pm

In partnership with the 100 Thousand Poets for Change project, ABQ Slams will be hosting a special slam for change at Winning Coffee Company (111 Harvard SE). Featuring Marc Marcel as a special guest poet. Competitors are asked to bring at least one poem for competition addressing an area where they feel change is needed.

Living Game Board Demonstration Friday, September 23rd
6 pm to 7 pm

We will be gathering at the Civic Plaza to create a massive chessboard, and filling it with poets and performers. These poets will read poetry in response to the issues and causes that they specifically want to see sustainable change happen for. We will be creating the visual metaphor of the ways in which legislation is passed without our vote, without our consent and in some cases without our knowledge.

Acequia Book Sellers
10:20 am to 5 pm

Acequia Booksellers is hosting an OPEN HOUSE/DROP-IN event highlighting recordings of songwriters, musicians and speakers for social change from the 1930′s on. The event will take place during bookstore hours (10:30-5:00) on Sat. Sept. 24. The impromptu program will include recordings by singers such as Phil Ochs, Woody Guthrie and U. Utah Phillips, as well as speakers like Noam Chomsky. Acequia Booksellers has the best poetry section in New Mexico. Drop by and check us out.

24 Hour Drum Circle
10 am to 10

Drummmers from all walks will join us in creating a non-stop 24 hour drum circle with the Kosmic Trading Post acting as the heart and the drums creating the pulse, the vibrant resonance that reminds us that as long as life goes on, positive growth and sustainable change are possible.

10 am to 5 pm

Poets will partner with members of various social change organizations and non-profit groups with a mission to create change in the world. Workshops will be held at the Projects. Presenters from the organizations will speak to the specific challenges and the needs and poets will lead writing prompts in response to these issues, creating a new social dialogue and bringing necessary knowledge to the table.

Candlelight Reading
7 to 9 pm

Poets and musicians will come together for a free concert, bringing together the community in a night of powerful verse and uplifting, conscious music. Presenters from non-profit and social change organizations will speak briefly, offering insight into the struggles, knowledge and hope. After the readings, everyone in attendance will be asked to hold up a candle for a moment of silence in reflection of all the bright lights we’ve lost to wars, genocide, homelessness, violence, drug addiction and more. The causes and issues are many, but so are the hearts and hopes of those who will join us for this event!

Tewa Women United Gathering for Mother Earth Reading

The Tewa Women United will include a reading around the sacred fire as part of the 100 Thousand Poets for Change project.

Fez, Morocco

Saturday, September 24 · 4:30pm – 7:30pm

Location: The Location will be disclosed later In Fes!!!

Created By Maktoub Last Knight


Moroccan poets are Joining other poets around the USA and across the planet, on September 24th, in a demonstration/celebration of poetry to promote serious social, environmental, and political change.

Moroccan,local and other foreign poets and writers will celebrate and promote poetry and the magical word in demonstration/celebration of poetry to promote and address serious and fundemental issues for change.

For more information contact the co-ordinators :
El Habib Louai
Teacher of English in Ezzaytoun Junior High School in Agadir
Comparative Studies Master Student Representative
Conference Organization Committee Member
E-mail: elhabiblouai@yahoo.co.uk
Phone: O6 10 58 31 05.

Mostafa Bakkali Ferchakhi.
Free-lance teacher of English.
General Secretary at the Moroccan Association of Friends of English.
Cultural Activities coordinator.
Email: Knowledge-community@hotmail.com
Tel: +212667515802

Victoria, British Columbia

ORGANIZER: Richard Olafson and Linda Rogers

CONTACT: ekstasis@islandnet.com




I am challenging the people of Victoria to geurilla poem one another on September 24 and forever after, to write poems in icing on cakes, to chalk sidewalks, to leave poems in pockets, to paint or embroider their clothing with activist poems, to call into radio shows and read poems that encourage positive change, to make poem cards for those we love and admire. All activist poets will be designated honorary assistant poet laureates at The Well on September 24. 7:00pm – 10:00pm.

Download the Press Release for Victoria-BC



In the beginning, there was a world
that needed a word and the word
was go(o)d, master of the unbroken
universe, mother of the wheel that
breaks like the poet who sings in his
change like the sea, like children
with begging bowls, begging for new
words to plant in the garden of
good and evil. This is the dialectic
of smash and fix, beautiful verbs;
dirty blood filtered through kidneys,
dirty air wet-cleaned in forests, dirty
deeds transformed by alchemists,
dirty water washing stars, our
clean windows on the firmament,

deaf composers listening with their fingers,
children thinking backword and forword.

This is change as simple as breathing.
Expired, the soul has weight and we
rediscover the lightness of being, only
twenty-one grams: our holy vocation
to catch and release its  mysteries
as the river runs through us, revealing
the word that is love made visible.

In Byzantium, the words for change
are bozuk para, meaning broken money,
and nothing is lost in translation.
Long ago and far away, only hungry
beggars would touch these fractured
alms, but now that we’ve cracked
the world, an enigma engine that
drives itself, everything broken is
holy and we get to pay it forward.

Linda Rogers-Victoria Poet Laureate

Budapest, Hungary


ORGANIZER: Gabor Gyukics

CONTACT: robagcsikugy@netscape.net

100 ezer költő a változásért” – Budapesten!
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Tomorrow at 3:00pm – Sunday at 1:00am

Dózsa György út 37.
Budapest, Hungary

Created By
Nagy Gabriella

2011. szeptember 24-én a világ minden pontján, 95 ország több mint 650 helyszínén tartanak költészeti felolvasást. A 100 Thousand Poets for Change a világ eddigi legnagyobb költészeti eseménye. Magyarországon a budapesti Műcsarnokban 15 órától hajnali 1-ig, tíz órán át több mint száz költő és előadóművész osztja meg műveit a hallgatósággal.

Magyarországon a budapesti Műcsarnok ad otthont a világban első ízben megrendezett, eddigi legnagyobb költészeti eseménynek. Költők, performerek, dalköltők, poetry slam-költők és zenészek verselnek és muzsikálnak tíz órán át, miközben a budapesti helyszín élő kapcsolatban lesz a világ más költészeti rendezvényeinek helyszíneivel is.


Acsai Roland, Akkezdet Phiai (Újonc és Saiid), Ágoston Béla és Eichinger Tibor, Bajtai András, Balázs Imre József, Balla D. Károly, Balla Zsófia, Balogh Attila, Báthori Csaba, Beata Pozitiva, Berka Attila, Bertók László, Béki István, Bíró József, Borbély Szilárd, Borsik Miklós, Bozsik Péter, Buda Ferenc, Can Togay, Csepregi János, Csobánka Zsuzsa, Csoóri Sándor, Dukay Nagy Ádám, Egressy Zoltán, Erdős Virág, Falcsik Mari, Fehér Renátó, Filip Tamás, Garaczi László, Géczi János, Géher István, Géher István László, Gerevich András, Györe Balázs, Győrffy Ákos, Halasi Zoltán, Harkai Vass Éva, Hartay Csaba, Háy János, Imreh András, Jász Attila, Jónás Tamás, Juhász Ferenc, Kalász Márton, Kalász Orsolya, Kántor Péter, Kapecz Zsuzsa, Karafiáth Orsolya, Kele Fodor Ákos, Kemény István, Kemény Lili, Kerber Balázs, Kistamás László, Kozma György, Kőrössi P. József, Krusovszky Dénes, Kukorelly Endre, Ladik Katalin, Lantos László Triceps, Lázár Bence András, Marno János, Matits István, MC Indiana, MC Zeek, Meenakshi Bittner Dóra, Mesterházi Mónika, Mestyán Ádám, Mezey Katalin, Müller Péter Sziámi, Nemes Z. Márió, Nyilas Attila, Oravecz Péter, Pál Dániel Levente, Payer Imre, Peer Krisztián, Petőcz András, Rácz Péter, Rutkai Bori, Sajó László, Sándor András, Schein Gábor, Sergio Ivan Tabeira (E), Simon Márton, Solymosi Bálint, Szabó T. Anna, Szántó T. Gábor, Székelyhidi Zsolt, Szentmártoni János, Szilágyi Ákos, Szijj Ferenc, Szkárosi Endre, Szlukovényi Katalin, Szőcs Petra, Szöllősi Mátyás, Szűgyi Zoltán, Tábor Ádám, Takács Zsuzsa, Takáts Eszter, Tamás Zsuzsa, Tatár Sándor, Tolvaj Zoltán, Tom Bass, Tóth Erzsébet, Turczi István, Turi Tímea, Ughy Szabina, Varga Mátyás, Váradi Péter, Vázsonyi János, Veress Miklós, Víg Mihály, Vörös István, Zalán Tibor, Zelki János, Zilahi Anna, Zsille Gábor

A nagyszabású felolvasást 15 órakor megnyitja: Gulyás Gábor, a Műcsarnok igazgatója!

Bővebb információk:
A 100 ezer költő a változásért saját blogja: http://100ezerkoltoavaltozasert.blog.hu//
A 100 Thousand Poets for Change honlapja: https://100tpc.org/
A 100 ezer költő a változásért a Facebookon: http://www.facebook.com/pages/100-ezer-k%C3%B6lt%C5%91-a-v%C3%A1ltoz%C3%A1s%C3%A9rt/261202083892515
A világesemény a Facebookon: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=106999432715571

Projektvezetők és házigazdák: Bárdos Deák Ágnes, Gyukics Gábor és Nagy Gabriella

Sponsored by Peter Wilhelm Art Center

Helyszín: Műcsarnok / Kunsthalle Budapest – Budapest 1146, Dózsa György út 37. – Tel.: 460-7000

Perth, Australia

ORGANIZER: Jamie MacQueen

CONTACT: jrmacqueen@hotmail.com

The Perth, Western Australia, event (what?!… just one?!) will be at the Moon Cafe in Northbrige and hosted by the good people from the Perth Poetry Club. There is a great diversity of poets coming along and you can watch it live athttp://www.facebook.com/l/1AQCFy17EAQA4BqtLIm4Bi48IPewubUNLLSOPv-V28ih1lA/www.livestream.com/perthlive on Saturday 24th of September at 2pm WAST (GMT+8). It will be great to see as many poets as possible from around the globe, all contributing to the 100 TPC events

Bangkok, Thailand

ORGANIZER: Charles Frederickson

CONTACT: charles_frederickson@hotmail.com

by Charles Frederickson and Saknarin Chinayote

650 grassroots poetic events in 455 cities and 95 countries will take place on September 24th to promote environmental, social and political change within the framework of peace and stability. Thailand’s celebration of “100 THOUSAND POETS FOR CHANGE” features gifted favorite son Zakariya Amataya, a native of Bacho District in Narathiwat Province. He is the first Thai Muslim recipient of the South East Asian Writers Award and was the unanimous choice of the jury, who called his non-traditional free verse work “borderless, transcending time and space.” Zakariya has been dubbed a Ginsberg-inspired Sunni hipster poet who suggests: “I am traveling in poetry, Poetry is traveling in me; We are heading to the same destination.”

His adoration for the Beat Generation, Sufi mysticism and French surrealists is reflected by his eclectic choices of respected mentors: Charles Baudelaire, Gregory Corso, Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan and Arthur Rimbaud. Zakariya’s parents and sisters still reside on their humble rubber plantation and although he thinks and writes primarily in Thai, his native language is not Thai but Rumi/Malay, the indigenous first language of the troubled deep South border provinces. He is also fluent in Yawi/Arabic. Many of his poems reflect the turmoil and strife of the region along with the desire for community-based recognition of participatory autonomy.

Some English translation examples:
“I hear peace sobbing
And shouting that resonates
Along sundry roads,
Around the city clock tower,
On dinner tables, in tea shops.”

The Missing
“There must be something in this universe
That has strayed from the dimension of time
Something Columbus and Ulysses missed in their exploration
Something the world’s prophets forgot to preach
Something that vanished between
The black holes of space.”

Epitaph for My Beloved Sidi
“I brewed my hundredth cup of coffee
Lit my thousandth cigarette
The sound of war drums rapidly pounding
The era – the Age of Killing
My cherished motherland,
Gone, vanquished again.”

Dr. Charles Frederickson
(Thailand event organizer)


by Charles Frederickson on Friday, September 16, 2011 at 2:25pm

๑๐๐,๐๐๐ ศิลปินเพื่ออิสรภาพทั่วโลก

การเฉลิมฉลองทั่วโลก – ๒๔ กันยายน ๒๕๕๔

YouTube Titles/Links
By Mr. Saknarin Chinayote &
Dr. Charles Frederickson

1 PEACE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41NhraYBJ10&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
2 Our Global Family http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSi1tEOUX9o&feature=related
3 Impressions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0RMoO-m-kU&feature=related
4 Europe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8AOd2Tp2ew&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
5 African Insights http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGSMiozpgqo&feature=BFa&list=ULK_HVXAtxLjU&index=5
6 FantAsia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnKBJHCX1IE&feature=BFa&list=ULK_HVXAtxLjU&index=6
7 Americas&Oceania http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mF9glLPPgdk&feature=BFa&list=ULK_HVXAtxLjU&index=7
8 Pyramid Art http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtV8c_KCcqE&feature=BFa&list=ULK_HVXAtxLjU&index=8
9 Thai poEtpourri http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dP1xo1n4Fc8&feature=BFa&list=ULK_HVXAtxLjU&index=9
10 Africa PoeArtry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IbiE0XHLZU&feature=BFa&list=ULK_HVXAtxLjU&index=10
11 FantAsia Delights PoeArtry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXT6buxuI8g&feature=BFa&list=ULK_HVXAtxLjU&index=11
12 Americas&Oceania PoeArtry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERmoCroPRko&feature=BFa&list=ULK_HVXAtxLjU&index=12
13 Europe PoeArtry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1uTHD-x8ls&feature=BFa&list=ULK_HVXAtxLjU&index=13
14 101 Arabian Sights http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNBFnTriMJo&feature=BFa&list=ULK_HVXAtxLjU&index=14


To join in September’s global celebrations of 100 THOUSAND POETS FOR CHANGE and Peace Corps’ 50th anniversary, Dr. Charles Frederickson and Mr. Saknarin Chinayote proudly present 3 YouTube mini-movies depicting Glad Thaidings. Enjoy!


