
Umag, Croatia — 3 Comments

  1. The first Wood Poets gathering took place on August 4th 2011 near a waterfall somewhere in midst of Istrian forests…
    The event began with the planting of a tree which remains a constant reminder of human connection with nature. Every passer-by is welcome to water it and take care of it until Wood Poets gather again… The planting was accompanied by the sounds od djembe drums as the sun was setting down and fire being lit…
    Lighted with nothing but firelight and torches poets from a couple of different countries read their poems to the audience, to the trees, to the stars and the moon long into the night…

    • As a part of “100 Thousand Poets for a Change” event, on September 24th the Wood Poets decided to visit the waterfall again. It was a chance to go down to the bottom of the waterfall, to a small lake with scarce water after a long and dry summer, and water the tree with it. On that day, a chest was buried by the Poets’ Tree. In that chest lie poems read on August 4th so that every passer-by can repose by the tree, read a poem or two or if he or she feels like it they can leave a poem or a note…

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